Thursday, September 08, 2005

I've decided that life is a slow train wreck. All is going fine and dandy until someone switches the track and your now going in the wrong direction. At first you don't realize that the track has been switched until you see that the bridge is out ahead of you and you try to stop but the brakes don't work. So there is nothing left to do but hold on and hope the end goes by fast.

My life is like that train. Somewhere along the line I've switched tracks I don't remember doing it and now I'm on the wrong track. I'm slowing heading to what can only lie disaster. I've offended a few people in my life, and there is no turning back. I've done the damage and there is absolutely nothing to do except go off that bridge and accept the fate that is mine. So how do we hit the brakes when the brakes aren't working? There obviously is no way of turning back so what to do? Do I Press the gas and hope to make it to the other side. Is there a way to try to switch back to the right track?


Erika said...

Hang in there, this will smooth over, somehow, I promise. And remember "nothing lasts forever" and sometimes that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

i think everyone's taken a ride on that train at one time or another. you'll survive. sometimes you have to eat a little crow, but you'll survive.

LoriLoo310 said...

I totally know what you're saying. Hang in there.

Also wanted to let you know I changed my address to:


You know what? I don't think you are on the wrong track. I think your passengers are on the wrong train. Ask them to step off, and make sure they take their extra baggage with them. Your cargo is full, and you are on the right track.


(that's not to say I don't understand how you's like sometimes all it takes is one person to pull the rug out from under your feet, so hard that it makes you fall flat on your ass...completely disoriented and wondering "how in the Hell did that just happen?") I hear you.

still_figuring_out said...

i too offended someone quite close to me, and we don`t even look at each other`s face anymore. but i have come to accept the fact that words once spoken, cannot be retracted, even with aplogoies.

and little miss does have an interesting point there :)

hollibobolli said...

I think there is a lot to the saying "time heals all wounds" - if you give people some space.. sometimes all they need is a little time.. unless they've done something really wrong to you - and then give me their number and I'll come kick their ass.

Revee said...

I've been on the same page as you all week. It sucks but you gotta get back to the right track eventually!

Anonymous said...

we could take a cue from loriloo and go toilet-papering. i'm in utah so i'm in. anyone else? i understand that's a great stress-reliever... at least, it was when i was 12.


stop surveying the damage left by a trainwreck that never happened, and get on with it already!
