Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Granger High School

Today I found out my old high school is on the list of potential high schools to be torn down. And it's really sad. I never thought I would be sad if a building was to be torn down, but just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. My high school holds so many memories, just driving past it brings them back. The guys I've dated, the friends I use to hang out with, even the parking lot were we would all hang out outside the pool. It may all be gone soon.

I've lived in the same area my entire life other then the 5 or 6 years I lived in Ogden. But I always had a place to come back to. A place that was familiar to me. Yeah it's changed, it's grown, but it's always been home. Just this year my mom sold the house we grew up in. She's owned it for nearly 30 years! And now when I drive past there is someone else's truck out front. Our curtains are no longer hanging in the front window. And that's sad to me. Now my High School may be torn down. What will be in it's place? Houses? A park? Or a shopping mall? If and when we ever have kids, I will never be able to show them the place I learned so many of life's lessons. And that just makes me sad. I hope the counsel will choose the other schools to tare down, but in my heart I know it will probably be Granger High School. My school is old, it has cracks in the walls from earthquakes, the student body is dwindling, there are a lot of gangs. And it's a bad school, but it's MY SCHOOL!


Just Me said...

wow...i've never thought about my high school not being there anymore!

Anonymous said...

my junior high school was torn down a few years ago... what with it being the oldest school in the state at the time, it wasn't really safe for student. it was a sad time for me, too. but, you get over it. pretty soon you discover that you still have your memories and you can go there any time you want to... and your husband won't make fun of your hokey school with lime green walls and orange lockers that you so loved. luckily for me, even if they were to tear down my high school, i have the napolean dynamite movie, so i can see it whenever i want!


well, I was going to say, "but it's GRANGER!" Then I felt bad for saying that after reading your last sentence. So I take it back.

I agree w/ Nytro on this one, your memories will still be there. It doesn't take the actual building for you to remember those things. I haven't seen the house I grew up in since we moved 14 years ago, but I still remember every little detail of the 70's floral pattern on our kitchen wall and the 13th stair that had a piece of carpet missing from the edge, and the blue bathroom with green linoleum...

I still remember, and you will too.

hollibobolli said...

That is sad.. I was sad when they got rid of my gradeschool.. and sad when my higschool separated into two bigger highschools.. things just.. change as you grow up. Makes you a little wistful.