Friday, March 17, 2006

Aww the weekend

I love the weekends. I love the fact that I don't have to wake up at 6:00 in the morning. I love that I don't have to drive 1/2 hour to get downtown with all the crazies. I love that I can sleep in until noon if I want to. I love that I can stay up until 2 in the morning just because I can. I love that that I get two days off of work.

Happy St. Patricks Day

I actually wore green today. Not that it matters as I'm all by myself in the office all day today. Being alone in the office doesn't bother me. I'm able to catch up on all the work that I've put off for the week. It's my alone time were I feel like I can get stuff done without interuptions, we if only the phone wouldn't ring. But it's nice and I like it.

Tomorrow I'm going to Murder Mystery Toga Party Dinner thing. It should be fun. I still haven't made my our togas yet. I figured it would be simple enough to throw a sheet around us and call it good. But yesterday I just got our costume instructions. It seems we now have parts in the dinner. So we need to dress our parts. I'm the innocent virgin and my husband will play the wealthy govenorment person. It should be interesting. I've only been to one Murder Mystery dinner and that was when I was still in Jr. High. In Jr. High I was shy, I didn't feel like I quite fit in and didn't really come out of my shell until my Junior Year of High School. So being asked to dress up as a charcter and interact with people I didn't really know (in character) was really hard for me. So I didn't really enjoy or understand what was going on. But now I'm more outgoing, and I'm really excited for this dinner. I'm still a bit confused as to what I need to do but I'll dress my part and follow along the best I can. I will be interesting to see how my husband handles the new situation.

Okay so that's really it. I started this post thinking I wouldn't have anything to say but from the looks of it I have a lot to say... lol. Only 7-8 more hours of work (depending when my boss gets back in the office.) The day is counting down to the weekend... YEAH!!!



Cupcake Blonde said...

A Murder Mystery Toga Party? Sounds like alot of fun!! I have never been to one of those murder mystery things but have always want to try one out. Can't wait to hear if one of you committed murder!

LoriLoo310 said...

Ooooh! That sounds like so much fun. My hubby would probably not get into it as much as I would, but I would still love to go to one. I work downtown too. We should meet for lunch one of these days. :)

Just Me said...

lady luck - you lucky girl! I'm not even sure if I cooked the husband dinner or not... lol!