Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How much more sleep can I get?

I went to bed at 10:00, I'm sure I feel asleep around 10:30. I woke up once at 3:00 to feed the cat and pee. Then I didn't wake up until 7:00. So why am I so tired?! Yeah so this picture is how I feel today. I'm tired and irratable. That and I dreamt about work all night... damnit!!!


LoriLoo310 said...

Because you had dreams about work all night, your mind feels like it never got rest. I do that sometimes too. I wake up sooooo pissed off that I had dreams about working. I CAN NEVER GET AWAY! WORK RULES MY LIFE ... damn the man.

Okolo said...

Here's a comment for you. :-)

hollibobolli said...

Because I'm the same damned way.. until we don't HAVE to work.. only then will be spring out of bed of our own volition!! I don't like being forced to do anything I don't WANT to do. dammit.


I hate it when i dream about my day...then have to wake up and go live it.

get dressed? I already did! take the kids to school? I ALREADY DID!


Anonymous said...

you fed your cat at 3 a.m.? good grief!!

try taking some melatonin about 30 minutes before you go to bed. swear to you, you'll be in a coma in no time. plus, it's all-natural so you don't have to feel bad about it.