Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What's your phrase?

I've been noticing that everyone has a catch phrase or a word that they say a lot. It's one that you can pretty much count on them saying in every conversation.

Mine is "Really". As in Really, are you that stupid (usually when I'm describing dumb things that happen at work or people driving on the road). I know this is my phrase because my friend laughs every time I say it.

I use to say "like" alot when I was in High School. I'd like to think that I grew out of that.

My little sister says hers is "Seriously" used pretty much in the same context. Any Grey's Anatomy fan would know of the regular use of Seriously on their show.

A friends of mine always says "That's special or that's so sweet" but usually if they do a dumb thing or she doesn't approve. It's a phrase we've teased her about because we've caught her using it in reference to us.

So what's your commonly used phrase?


Sweet Yet Sassy said...

HA! I have used 'Seriously' longer than Grey's Anatomy has existed. Sarcasm is a MUST in my life!

I also like, "Well isn't that precious!" when someone is rude or obnoxious! HA!

The funniest thing I have seen lately was the comedienne on YouTube Anjelica (?) talking about the nail salon where she mimics the vietnamese people talking bad about her and then looking at her and they say, "She said, 'your so pretty!'" LOL!

Now when someone says something mean to me I say, "Your so pretty" in true Vietnamese form! HA!

Candice said...

My saying is "Oh, my hell." Gabe makes fun of me because it's a total Utah thing. In fact, when we started dating he had a friend that lived in Salt Lake and he asked Gabe if I said that. Now, Gabe says it all the time.

Cupcake Blonde said...

I have to laugh because I am sitting here wearing a shirt that says "Seriously?" across the chest! I love that! But i was saying it long before Grey's came around. Their repeated use of it only cemented my love for the show.

Loralee Choate said...

Let's see:


Suck a duck.

Suckasucka SUCK.

Freaking Fricking Frack!