Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Crazy times

The other day my twin sister and her husband made a comment to me that just floored me.

In five years their only son will be graduating high school and moving out. That means at the age of 35 she will have a empty nest! Where as I will be putting my first child into Kindergarten.

Is that insane or what!


hollibobolli said...

I know - isn't it mind-blowing when you wait to have children? I think about where my mom was with me vs. where I am with Faith. There is no comparison. Hopefully my maturity will be a good thing for Faith in the long run.

The Sonboul's said...

LOL that is pretty funny. But life seems to work like that from time to time! PS cute new blog header :)

Candice said...

That is crazy! Hopefully your little sister has kids soon so your little one will have cousins to run around with. If not - he/she will have Oscar and Marisol!

Loralee Choate said...


That is wild. Of course, my first will leave high school in 6 years, but I'll be 39.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Wow...I guess I better get started. The rate I am going my kids won't be out of high school until I'm 60!