Friday, February 10, 2006

Bathroom Conversation yes or no?

Growing up the bathroom was a santuary. I was were my father spent a lot of "alone" time. And my mother would go to ignore us. Personally I don't know how she did with 10 little hand and 5 pairs of eyes trying to peer underneath the door to get her attention. But none-the-less the bathroom was off limits for anyone who was on the outside.

That being said. When my husband and I started dating I flew to visit Little Miss when she was 9 months prego. I wanted to be there for the birth of her first. Sweetie had other plans. Little Miss's mom was also there naturally. I noticed quite often when Little Miss would go into the bathroom that her husband or her mom (sometimes both) would go in there and talk to her. When I told my husband (then boyfriend) about this we both thought it quite odd. Because as I mentioned the bathroom was a place to be alone.

After nearly 4 years of marriage I have yet to enter the bathroom while my husband was using it. And the same goes for him. I've threatened a few times, even gone as far as open the door only to shut it very quickly before seeing anything. Even when we run out of toilet paper the other will crack the door throw the t.p. in and slam it shut. Personally I can't even stand when the husband pees with the door open. Usually it's when he thinks I'm sleeping and he's down the hall but I can hear it and I hate it!

Maybe we aren't as comfortable with our bodily functions as Little Miss and her family are. But I'm just not comforatble knowing that someone else knows what my facial expressions are well I'm on the pot. It's just too weird for me.

So basically we want to know are bathroom conversations okay or should that be left to the fully clothed?



you mean it's not the norm?? Peeing w/ the door open is NOT okay?

hmmm, I guess I never knew any different. My grandma did it, my mom did it, I do it, and now my children do it too! It's a family affair!

Anonymous said...

at some point i'm gonna have to start shutting the daughter says the funniest things...but yeah...we go with the door's just the two of us though...if there was a man in the house i imagine not!

Just Me said...

I will admit, my cat is allowed in the bathroom when I'm in there, but he is not allowed on my lap! Which is where he would like to sit!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Well I'm split. When I was little I used to be scared of our bathroom (had to do with me thinking I would get sucked down the drain in the tub or the toilet) so I would insist my Mom stay in with me. And as I got older we would share and get ready together at times. But only my Mom. Then with my husband it happened by accident when he was brishing his teeth and I was going to have an accident if I didn't go right then. Ever since it hasn't been such an issue, but we don't do it every time. However, at work or in public I cannot STAND when someone tries to have a converstaion with me when I am in the stall. It creeps me out. Also, I can't do my "thing" if someone else is in there. I time it for when they flush, wash their hands or leave. At times it can be very difficult.

Spookz said...

Thats odd to me being alone in the bathroom, my mom always left the door cracked open when peeing(not my dad) but my fam is like little miss. and noone can be as ok with bodly functions as little miss NO ONE

LoriLoo310 said...

I'll go with the door open and it totally makes BSC mad.

"Close the damn door!"

It's my house, I'll do what I want.